Wednesday 16 March 2011

About Me.

I want to fulfil my design ambitions; leaving London behind and moving into a new environment, a new city, will bring new ideas and inspiration to my thoughts and work. I feel that Nottingham has the facilities that will enable me to work to the best of my ability and channel my creativity.

  On my foundation, I found that I became aware of how artists use space in the context of fine art. The Choreographing you exhibition at the Hayward Gallery was particularly eye opening, in so far as it included works that employed the use of space, light and material to evoke different responses.  How an audience reacts to a space is intriguing. Certain elements can provoke extremely varied responses, which is something I hope to explore. The structure and layout of a space is particularly important when considering how this space may be filled. I want to discover the relationship between, the structural design of a space and how it affects the interior furnishings and fittings.

  On the course, I want to design new interiors and furnishings, build up a portfolio of work finished to a professional standard, to learn skills that I can and will use during and after the course and lastly to apply my own individual visual language to interior architecture and design.

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